Friday, November 17, 2006


BLOC (abbreviation) - Basic Like Object Compiler

BLOC is a programming language, a BASIC programming language with some more features that are not implemented in similar compilers; this is why it was named Basic Like Object Compiler.

BLOC is based on translating sources to Pascal code and compiling it into binary executables. So it's compiler, but for today it's translator also, because translating for BLOC is main part of application deployment before compilation procedures. BLOC is available for Windows and Linux OS.

BLOC was originally created to provide a free implementation of a BASIC programming language for creating webware applications, so features like working with XML, SQL, sockets, etc considered as high priority tasks for BLOC.

BLOC development was suspended and not supported anymore since 2004 after Skitsanos acquired and closed down arachnoWare Inc., the company where compiler was initially made.


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