Friday, November 17, 2006


AutoIt v3 is a freeware BASIC-like scripting language. It was first designed for automating the Windows GUI and general scripting using a combination of simulated keystrokes, mouse movement and window/control manipulation in order to automate tasks. With version 3 AutoIt has become a powerful language able to cope with most scripting needs. AutoIt may generate GUI applications with controls as textboxes, checkboxes and radio buttons, select items in drop-down lists, etc. Althought the authors say that AutoIt v3 language has a syntax similar to VBScript and BASIC, actually it near to standard Basic only regarding its structure. AutoIt supports complex expressions, user functions, looping, drag&drop, math functions, network functions, registry and process management.

AutoIt is small and self-contained with no runtimes need. Scripts can be compiled into stand-alone executables. Unfortunately AutoIt does not have its own IDE, so you need to use NotePad or another text editor. The current editor used by the majority of AutoIt users is SciTe, the AutoIt development team has created a custom version of SciTe with full syntax highlighting that also integrates various third-party AutoIt tools like syntax checking and script tidying). SciTe may be downloaded from AutoIt web site. Actually a RAD environment would have been a better choice.

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